Do you have a car or truck? Are you thinking about selling it? If so, here’s some good news for you! You can list your car or truck with us to sell it. We call this Listing Your Car/Truck as a Service. Here’s how: Sign in to MyGarmin and select the Selling tab at the top of your screen. Select Sell from your Cars menu.
Search for your car/truck by entering its make and model. Click on the Car/Truck to see details about it or select Buy to find other people who might want to buy it. If you decide not to sell your car/truck, click Cancel on the right side of the page.
How to sell your Garmin device
If you have a Garmin device, you can list it with us to find a buyer. You can list it as a Service, meaning that you keep ownership of the device but also get a small fee for each listing. We also offer a Buy It Now feature so you can sell your device immediately. To sell your Garmin device, sign in to your Garmin account. From the home screen, select the Selling tab.
Select the type of Garmin devices you have – such as a GPS watch or bike computer. You can also select the model, such as a Forerunner 230 or 205. When you find the right Garmin device, click the Sell button. On the next screen, you’ll see the price of your device and how much you’re getting paid for it.
You can choose to keep the money in your account or transfer it to a PayPal account if you have one. When you’re done, click the Close button.
How to sell your boat, RV, or motorcycle
You can sell your boat, RV, or motorcycle with us, too. You keep ownership of the boat, RV, or motorcycle, but we’ll advertise it for you for a small fee. When a buyer places an offer, we’ll send you an email about it. You can accept or reject the offer.
When we receive payment, we’ll release the vehicle to the buyer. You can also choose to keep the money in your account. You can list your watercraft in our Boats, RVs, and Motorcycles section, or on our other sections, including Boats and ATVs. You can also list your watercraft on the general For Sale section of the site.

How to list a bicycle
You can list your bicycle with us, too. We’ll advertise it for a small fee, and when someone makes an offer, you can accept or reject it. You can also choose to keep the money in your account. You can list your bike on our Bikes section, or on the For Sale section of the site. When you sell a bike, we’ll deduct the listing fee and any sales commission from your selling proceeds.
How to list an ATV, snowmobile, or other recreational vehicles (RV)
If you have an ATV, snowmobile, or other recreational vehicles (RV), you can list it with us, too. We’ll advertise it for a small fee, and when someone places an offer, you can accept or reject it. You can also choose to keep the money in your account. You can list your vehicle in our RVs section, or on the For Sale section of the site. When we receive payment, we’ll release the RV to the buyer. You can also choose to keep the money in your account.

How to list an aircraft and marine vessel
If you own an aircraft or marine vessel, you can list it with us, too. We’ll advertise it for a small fee, and when someone places an offer, you can accept or reject it. You can also choose to keep the money in your account.
You can list your aircraft and marine vessel on our Airplanes and Boat sections or on the For Sale section of the site. When we receive payment, we’ll release the aircraft or vessel to the buyer. You can also choose to keep the money in your account.
Tips for selling anything on eBay
If you want to get the most out of selling on eBay, check out these tips:
- List your items on the eBay site. Use the “Sell This Item” section of the eBay homepage.
- List your items using the correct category. If you’re selling something that’s not quite a “thing,” choose the appropriate category so it gets noticed by buyers.
- List your items with the correct starting and ending dates.
- This will help you reach the most buyers and get the highest selling price.
- List your items in the most relevant category. If the item you’re selling is in several different categories, choose the one that most closely matches it.
- List items with the best description. If you’re listing an item with a lot of information about it, be concise and to the point. If you’re listing an item with a short description, be more in-depth.
- Add a picture. This will help you convey some of the item’s most important details, such as the product’s brand or model, color, and condition.
- Include original packaging or accessories. This will help you get more for your item, as well as potentially increase the selling price.
- Keep your eBay account up-to-date. This will help you stay organized and make sure you’re paying sales tax when you should be.
- Use eBay’s Seller Protect program. This program protects sellers who report a problem with a listing on eBay within 48 hours.
Selling things has never been easier thanks to the internet. If you have something that you want to sell, you can list it on the web, and there’s a good chance that someone will buy it. There are plenty of places to list your items, and once they’re listed, anyone can start an auction to see who will buy them. It’s easy to sell things online, and you should try it out!